
I’m a regular public speaker on a range of topics in international security and politics in the Asia-Pacific. I’ve recently spoken on nuclear weapons at the United Nations and the Center for Strategic and International Studies; on North Korea at U.S. Strategic Command, Stanford University, the Korea Society, the University of Kentucky’s Patterson School, the Foreign Policy Institute, and the Pell Center at Salve Regina University; on South Asian security at Columbia University and the United States Institute of Peace; on East Asian security at the National Defense University at Fort McNair; and on Asian geopolitics and military developments at Carleton University.

I’ve additionally conducted private briefings for a range of institutions, including the United Nations, on topics in international security. In April 2018, I testified before the U.S. Congress’ U.S.-China Economic and Security Commission on Chinese influence campaigns.

If you’d like to inquire about booking me to speak at your event, please get in touch.